Monday, February 20, 2012

This is a picture my mother took of our family peacock in May 1985, about than six years before I was born! Ever since I was little my family was always into animals (especially birds). I grew up with peacocks and geese running around our backyard in northern California until the age of 3. I have chosen to post this picture on my blog because this peacock is the reason why I chose to do my blog on peacocks in the first place. Like the old man in the YouTube video included in my previous blog post, I believe that while peacocks are loud animals they are indeed beautiful and worthy of praise. Peacock feathers have always been around my house growing up. These birds have always captivated and interested me immensely for a long time now. Moreover with this blog I strive to learn more about their origin and unique behaviors.

Have any one of you also owned a peacock when growing up? I know professor Blaser had one as well!

1 comment:

  1. that's awesome! i never had a peacock growing up but they were always around my neighborhood when I was growing up!
